Fighter: Taking Flight or Falling Flat? A Review

Fighter, the high-octane action film starring Hrithik Roshan and Deepika Padukone, has finally hit the theaters. Directed by Siddharth Anand, known for his work on adrenaline-pumping flicks like War, Fighter promises a thrilling aerial combat experience. But does it deliver a knockout punch or leave you feeling like you just witnessed a training exercise? Let's dive into the dogfight.

Soaring High on Action (or Just Hot Air?): Trade reports suggest Fighter boasts "breathtaking action" and sequences that rival international standards. While the film certainly delivers on the action front, critics remain divided. The aerial combat scenes are undeniably impressive, with fighter jets soaring through the sky in meticulously choreographed maneuvers. However, some reviewers feel the film relies too heavily on CGI, questioning the effectiveness of translating a video game-like aesthetic to the big screen.

A Story That Takes Off... or Stalls Mid-Flight?: Early reports point towards Fighter having a strong narrative alongside the action. The story reportedly revolves around the Indian Air Force, showcasing the unwavering valor and sacrifices made by its personnel. This patriotic theme, coupled with a potential romance angle between Roshan and Padukone's characters, has piqued audience interest. However, details regarding the plot's depth and originality are still under wraps.

A Stellar Cast or Turbulence Ahead?: Fighter boasts a powerful combination of acting talent. Hrithik Roshan, known for his dedication to action roles, is expected to deliver a stellar performance as a fighter pilot. Deepika Padukone brings her star power and acting prowess to the table. Whether their on-screen chemistry translates into a believable romance or gets overshadowed by the action remains to be seen.

The Verdict: Buckle Up, But Keep Your Expectations in Check: Fighter has all the makings of a crowd-pleasing action spectacle. Breathtaking aerial sequences, a patriotic narrative, and a popular A-list cast are sure to draw audiences in. However, the film's reliance on CGI and the potential for a predictable plot could leave some viewers wanting more.


Do We Recommend It?: If you're looking for a visually stunning action extravaganza that celebrates the Indian Air Force, Fighter might be worth checking out on the big screen. However, if you crave a film with a deeper story and well-developed characters, you might want to wait for reviews to land before booking your tickets.

The Final Word: Fighter promises a thrilling cinematic experience, but the true verdict on whether it soars or stalls will depend on the execution of its story and the effectiveness of its action sequences. Stay tuned to MOVIE REVIEWS PLANET for a more detailed review once the film releases!

Fighter: Taking Flight or Falling Flat? A Review


Five Action-Packed Punches: The Best Action Films You Need to See

The action genre thrives on adrenaline-pumping sequences, pulse-pounding fights, and heart-stopping chases. It's a cinematic experience that throws us into the heart of the action, leaving us breathless and wanting more. But with so many films vying for our attention, choosing the "best" can be a daunting task.

Worry not, movie aficionados! Here at MOVIE REVIEWS PLANET, we've compiled a list of five action movies that stand out from the rest. These films not only deliver top-notch action but also boast compelling narratives, unforgettable characters, and innovative film-making techniques.

So, grab your popcorn, dim the lights, and get ready to be launched into a world of thrilling action:

1. Mad Max: Fury Road (2015): 

This post-apocalyptic masterpiece reinvigorated the Mad Max franchise with a visually stunning and relentlessly intense story. Tom Hardy delivers a gritty performance as Max Rockatansky, who gets caught in a high-octane chase alongside Imperator Furiosa (Charlize Theron), a woman defying a tyrannical warlord. The film's action sequences are balletic in their chaos, with car chases that redefine the genre.

Mad Max

2. Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981): 

This Spielberg classic isn't just an action movie; it's a cultural touchstone. Harrison Ford embodies the swashbuckling charm of Indiana Jones, a fedora-wearing archaeologist on a quest for the Ark of the Covenant. From booby-trapped temples to nail-biting snake encounters, Raiders is a nonstop adventure that seamlessly blends action, humor, and a touch of the supernatural.

Raiders of the Lost Ark

3. The Matrix (1999): 

The Matrix is a game-changer. It's a sci-fi action film that delves into the nature of reality, questioning what's real and what's simulated. Keanu Reeves stars as Neo, a hacker who discovers the truth about the world he lives in. The film's groundbreaking visual effects, particularly the "bullet time" sequences, revolutionized action cinema and continue to inspire filmmakers today.

The Matrix

4. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (2000): 

Ang Lee's masterpiece is a poetic portrayal of martial arts as a dance of beauty and deadliness. Michelle Yeoh shines as Yu Shu Lien, a legendary warrior tasked with protecting a powerful sword. The film's fight choreography is breathtaking, showcasing the elegance and power of wuxia (Chinese martial arts) cinema.

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (2000)

5. Die Hard (1988): 

A New York cop against a group of terrorists in a Los Angeles skyscraper – that's the simple yet effective premise of Die Hard. Bruce Willis became an action icon with his portrayal of John McClane, an everyman thrust into extraordinary circumstances. The film's action sequences are brutal and realistic, creating a sense of tension that keeps us on the edge of our seats.

This list is just a starting point, of course. The action genre offers a vast selection of films from different eras and cultures. So, explore, discover hidden gems, and experience the exhilarating world of action cinema!

Die Hard (1988)

Let us know in the comments below what your favorite action movies are and why!

Additionally, here are some points to consider when exploring action movies:

  • Subgenres: Action encompasses various subgenres like martial arts, sci-fi action, action comedies, and historical epics. Explore each to find what resonates most with you.
  • Fight choreography: Look for films with well-crafted fight scenes that showcase the skill and athleticism of the actors and stunt performers.
  • Story and Characters: While action is at the forefront, a good action film also boasts a compelling story and well-developed characters.
  • Cinematography and Visual Effects: Innovative camerawork and special effects can elevate action sequences to new heights.

By keeping these points in mind, you'll be well on your way to finding action movies that leave you wanting more. Happy watching!

Five Action-Packed Punches: The Best Action Films You Need to See


Five Best Romantic Movies of the World

Welcome to Movie Reviews Planet! Romance is a genre that speaks to the heart, exploring the many facets of love and relationships. Today, we highlight five of the best romantic movies from around the world. These films have touched audiences with their poignant storytelling, unforgettable performances, and timeless themes. Join us as we explore these cinematic masterpieces that celebrate love in its many forms.

1. Casablanca (1942)

Director: Michael Curtiz
Country: United States


"Casablanca" is set during World War II in the Moroccan city of Casablanca. The film follows Rick Blaine (Humphrey Bogart), an American expatriate who runs a nightclub, and Ilsa Lund (Ingrid Bergman), his former lover. Ilsa reenters Rick’s life with her husband, a resistance leader, seeking his help to escape to America.


Impact and Legacy

"Casablanca" is celebrated for its timeless romance, memorable dialogue, and iconic performances. The film’s exploration of love, sacrifice, and duty amidst the backdrop of war has resonated with audiences for decades. The famous line, "Here’s looking at you, kid," and the film’s ending at the airport remain etched in cinematic history.

2. Amélie (2001)

Director: Jean-Pierre Jeunet
Country: France


"Amélie" tells the whimsical story of Amélie Poulain (Audrey Tautou), a shy and imaginative young woman living in Paris. Amélie decides to change the lives of those around her for the better while grappling with her own isolation and longing for love. Her adventures lead her to a romantic journey with Nino Quincampoix (Mathieu Kassovitz).


Impact and Legacy

"Amélie" is beloved for its charming narrative, vibrant visuals, and enchanting portrayal of Parisian life. Audrey Tautou’s captivating performance and the film’s heartwarming message have made it a modern classic. "Amélie" continues to enchant audiences with its feel-good story and whimsical style.

3. In the Mood for Love (2000)

Director: Wong Kar-wai
Country: Hong Kong


"In the Mood for Love" is a poignant tale set in 1960s Hong Kong. The film follows Chow Mo-wan (Tony Leung) and Su Li-zhen (Maggie Cheung), two neighbors who discover their spouses are having an affair. As they spend time together to cope with their loneliness, they develop deep feelings for each other while adhering to social norms and personal ethics.

In the Mood for Love

Impact and Legacy

Wong Kar-wai’s "In the Mood for Love" is hailed for its exquisite cinematography, atmospheric storytelling, and evocative performances. The film’s exploration of unspoken love and emotional restraint has earned it critical acclaim and a lasting impact on romantic cinema. Its visual and emotional depth make it a masterpiece of the genre.

4. Before Sunrise (1995)

Director: Richard Linklater
Country: United States / Austria


"Before Sunrise" follows Jesse (Ethan Hawke), an American, and Céline (Julie Delpy), a Frenchwoman, who meet on a train to Vienna. They decide to spend one night together exploring the city and discussing life, love, and their dreams. The film captures their deep connection and fleeting romance.

Before Sunrise

Impact and Legacy

"Before Sunrise" is praised for its naturalistic dialogue, intimate performances, and realistic portrayal of romance. Richard Linklater’s direction, combined with the chemistry between Hawke and Delpy, creates an authentic and heartfelt depiction of a romantic encounter. The film’s success led to two sequels, forming the critically acclaimed "Before" trilogy.

5. La La Land (2016)

Director: Damien Chazelle
Country: United States


"La La Land" is a modern musical that follows the love story of Mia (Emma Stone), an aspiring actress, and Sebastian (Ryan Gosling), a jazz musician. Set in Los Angeles, the film explores their dreams, struggles, and the sacrifices they make for love and ambition.

La La Land

Impact and Legacy

"La La Land" received widespread acclaim for its dazzling visuals, captivating performances, and nostalgic homage to classic musicals. Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling’s chemistry, along with Damien Chazelle’s direction, brings a contemporary twist to the romance genre. The film’s memorable music and emotional depth have made it a beloved romantic classic.


These five romantic movies represent the best of the genre, each offering a unique perspective on love and relationships. From the timeless classic "Casablanca" to the modern musical "La La Land," these films have captured the hearts of audiences worldwide. For more reviews and recommendations on the best films from every genre, stay tuned to Movie Reviews Planet!

Five Best Romantic Movies of the World

 Five Best Sci-Fi Movies of the World

Welcome to Movie Reviews Planet! Science fiction has long captivated audiences with its imaginative tales, visionary concepts, and speculative exploration of the future. Today, we celebrate five of the best sci-fi movies from around the globe. These films have pushed the boundaries of storytelling, visual effects, and philosophical inquiry, leaving an indelible mark on cinema and culture. Join us as we journey through time, space, and beyond with these extraordinary sci-fi masterpieces.

1. 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)

Director: Stanley Kubrick
Country: United States / United Kingdom


"2001: A Space Odyssey" is a groundbreaking sci-fi epic that takes audiences on a journey from the dawn of man to the distant future. The film follows a voyage to Jupiter with the sentient computer HAL 9000, exploring themes of artificial intelligence, human evolution, and the unknown.

2001: A Space Odyssey

Impact and Legacy

Widely regarded as one of the greatest films of all time, "2001: A Space Odyssey" revolutionized the sci-fi genre with its innovative special effects, profound narrative, and philosophical depth. Stanley Kubrick’s meticulous direction and Arthur C. Clarke’s visionary story have inspired countless filmmakers and continue to influence science fiction in both film and literature.

2. Blade Runner (1982)

Director: Ridley Scott
Country: United States


Set in a dystopian future Los Angeles, "Blade Runner" follows Rick Deckard (Harrison Ford), a blade runner tasked with hunting down rogue replicants—bioengineered beings virtually identical to humans. The film explores themes of identity, humanity, and the ethical implications of genetic engineering.

Blade Runner

Impact and Legacy

"Blade Runner" is celebrated for its atmospheric visual style, complex narrative, and philosophical depth. Ridley Scott’s vision of a neon-lit, rain-soaked future, combined with Vangelis’s haunting score, has left an enduring legacy in the sci-fi genre. The film’s exploration of what it means to be human continues to resonate with audiences and has inspired numerous sequels, adaptations, and scholarly analyses.

3. Metropolis (1927)

Director: Fritz Lang
Country: Germany


"Metropolis" is a silent film set in a futuristic city sharply divided between the working class and the city planners. The story follows Freder, the wealthy son of the city’s master, and Maria, a saintly figure who predicts the coming of a mediator to bring harmony. Together, they uncover the harsh realities faced by the workers and strive to bridge the gap between the two classes.


Impact and Legacy

"Metropolis" is a pioneering work of science fiction and a cornerstone of cinematic history. Its visionary depiction of a dystopian future, along with its groundbreaking special effects and art direction, has influenced countless films and artistic works. Fritz Lang’s masterpiece remains a powerful commentary on industrialization and social inequality.

4. Akira (1988)

Director: Katsuhiro Otomo
Country: Japan


Set in a post-apocalyptic Tokyo, "Akira" follows Kaneda, the leader of a biker gang, as he tries to save his friend Tetsuo, who develops dangerous psychic powers. The film delves into themes of political corruption, power, and the impact of scientific experimentation.


Impact and Legacy

"Akira" is a landmark in anime and sci-fi cinema, renowned for its stunning animation, complex narrative, and mature themes. Katsuhiro Otomo’s adaptation of his own manga has had a profound influence on both Japanese animation and global pop culture. The film’s exploration of dystopian themes and its visual grandeur continue to captivate audiences worldwide.

5. Inception (2010)

Director: Christopher Nolan
Country: United States / United Kingdom


"Inception" follows Dom Cobb (Leonardo DiCaprio), a skilled thief who specializes in stealing secrets from within the subconscious during the dream state. He is offered a chance to have his criminal record erased if he can successfully perform an inception: planting an idea in someone’s mind.


Impact and Legacy

Christopher Nolan’s "Inception" is acclaimed for its innovative narrative structure, mind-bending concepts, and stunning visual effects. The film’s exploration of dreams, reality, and perception challenges audiences to think deeply about the nature of consciousness. "Inception" has become a modern classic, influencing contemporary sci-fi storytelling and filmmaking techniques.


These five sci-fi films represent the pinnacle of the genre, each bringing a unique vision and thought-provoking narrative to the screen. From the philosophical ponderings of "2001: A Space Odyssey" to the dystopian future of "Blade Runner," these movies have pushed the boundaries of imagination and storytelling. For more reviews and recommendations on the best films from every genre, stay tuned to Movie Reviews Planet!

Five Best Sci-Fi Movies of the World